"Education Eradicates Poverty" - Tan Sri Datuk G. Gnanalingam
Higher education serves as a critical vehicle for socioeconomic advancement of aspiring individuals and a driver of economic mobility in Malaysia. It also prepares the highly skilled workforce that Malaysian private and public sectors need to meet the demands of global economy and of empowered citizens.
Recognising the importance of higher education, the government has steadily increased the number of seats available through a complex public-private market; however, cost and affordability of higher education remain a concern.
Today, close to 100,000 students are admitted annually into 20 Public Higher Educational Institutions . Nonetheless, only around 3 percent of them are from the Indian-Malaysian community. Even highly talented students do not always succeed in securing places in IPTAs, particularly in the more competitive fields.
The Indus Education Foundation (IEF) was established as a Public Private Partnership between YAB PM of Malaysia and Tan Sri G. Gnanalingam to address this gap. We seek to assist talented Malaysian students from middle and low income families to pursue higher education in the field of their choice at Private Higher Educational Institutions.